For the purpose of this document, the language used to draw up these rules is English. The masculine form is used throughout this document to make the text easier to read, and without discrimination.


1.1 Title

This document shall be known as the “Rules and Regulations of the Dorval Social Dance Club” (Les règlements généraux du Club de danse sociale de Dorval).

1.2 Name

This organization shall be known as the “Dorval Social Dance Club / Club de danse sociale de Dorval” (The Club).

1.3 Domicile

The address of this organization shall be 1335 Lakeshore Drive, Dorval, H9S 2E5.

1.4 Definitions

Unless the context indicates or declares otherwise, the following expressions, terms and words, wherever the same occur in this document, shall have the following meaning:

  • “The Club” shall be understood to mean the Dorval Social Dance Club, a non-profit organization.
  • “The Executive” shall be understood to mean the Dorval Social Dance Club’s executive committee.
  • “Good Standing” shall be understood to mean a member who has paid for one full session.
  • The “City” shall be understood to mean the City of Dorval.

1.5 Affiliations

The Leisure and culture department of the City recognizes the Club as the governing agency of a non-profit social dance organization.
The Director of the Leisure and culture department will appoint a representative to the Club (“Director’s Appointee”) who will act as the liaison between the City and the Club and who will assist the Club with any and all matters concerning its activities and operations.
The Club will advise the Director’s Appointee of all meetings.

1.6 Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Club are:

1.6.1 To promote, organize and administer social dancing as defined by the Club.

1.6.2 To encourage the instruction, practice and enjoyment of social dancing in accordance with this document.


2.1 Residents

Membership is open to City residents regardless of sex, religion, profession, colour or citizenship.

2.2 Non-residents

Non-residents may be accepted once the City residents are accommodated.

2.3 Dance Sessions

The Club offers two (2) 14 week sessions of dance classes per year. The fall session is held from September to December and the winter session is held from January to May. A registration period is held for each session separately. Membership to the Club requires attending dance class.

All members shall uphold, observe and conform to the Rules and Regulations of the Club.

Participants must have been members during the fiscal year to attend free practices.

2.4 Age

Membership shall be restricted to persons eighteen (18) years of age and older. Also, guests permitted to attend a function held by the Club must meet the aforesaid age requirement unless waived by the Executive.


3.1 The Executive is empowered to run the daily affairs of the Club.

3.2 The President, Treasurer and one other Executive member shall be the signing officers. Two (2) of these three (3) signatures shall be required on all legal documents, including cheques. Only one (1) member of a couple on the Executive can sign on the same legal document.

3.3 All members of the Executive may be required to submit to and pass the volunteer screening in accordance with the policies established by the Dorval Athletic Association and the City. This consists of a police screening and interview.

3.4 Quorum for an Executive meeting exists when a majority of the Executive is present.

3.5 When a position is left vacant, the Executive may appoint any member to that position.

3.6 The Executive shall have power to discipline any member for cause. Any member subject to disciplinary measures shall have the right of a full hearing, and such notice shall include the nature of the charge being brought against said member.

3.7 For justifiable reasons, Executive members may be permitted to complete their mandate without being active Good Standing members of the Club, and for purposes of election will be deemed to be a member in Good Standing.

3.8 Each year, and prior to the start of the Fall session no later than (July 15th), the committee agrees to submit, to the City, a written contract between itself and a Qualified Dance Instructor, signed by the instructor and 2 committee members.

3.9 Each Member of the Executive will be elected for a period of two years.

3.10 At the end of his mandate the past President may act as a consultant for the committee. In the event that the past president is unable to serve, the executive can appoint another former president to the position.

3.11 At the end of the first year of each two-year mandate a vote of confidence will be held by ballot at the AGM. A majority is required for the persons to continue. If a majority is not obtained article 3.5 will be put into effect.

Duties of the officers of the Executive will be as follows:

4.1 President

The President shall:
• Chair the Annual General Meeting (“AGM”) and all Special and Executive meetings; and
• Act as delegate to the recognized associations with which the Club is affiliated and the City representative.

4.2 Vice President

The Vice President shall:
• Assume all duties of the President in his absence; and
• Assume such power and duties as the Executive shall assign to him.

4.3 Treasurer

The Treasurer shall:
• Keep the financial books and records relating to the operation of the Club and ensure that they are reviewed and accepted by the person appointed at the last AGM;
• Prepare a monthly financial report for discussion and approval by the Executive;
• Implement such controls as may be recommended by the Director’s Appointee;
• Prepare such financial reports as may be required by the Director’s Appointee and the annual financial report for presentation at the AGM; and
• Be responsible for all receipts and approved expenditures of Club funds.

4.4 Secretary

The Secretary shall:
• Take attendance at each meeting and keep a book of minutes;
• Keep detailed minutes of all meetings and distribute them to the Executive members and the Director’s Appointee;
• Ensure that the Rules and Regulations of the Club are updated to reflect the actual situation of the Club;
• Act as corresponding secretary and deal with all correspondence concerning Club business; and
• Issue all verbal and written summons for the Executive meetings and the AGM.

4.5 Registrar

The Registrar shall:
• Take and complete registrations;
• Update the membership list on a regular basis;
• Be responsible for communicating with members, as needed;
• Assist the Secretary in issuing correspondence to Club members.


5.1 The Executive shall each year review the registration fees.

5.2 Fees are to be paid in full by the last registration day of each session.

5.3 Fees per session to be paid in full by cash or cheque to the Club and are non-refundable unless reasonable grounds are demonstrated to the Executive.


6.1 Annual General Meeting

6.1.1 The AGM shall be held in June at a date and time to be fixed by the Executive. Members in Good Standing must be notified in writing at least fourteen (14) calendar days prior to such meeting.
6.1.2 At least one (1) month before the AGM, the current Executive shall appoint a nominating committee to recruit candidate members in Good Standing for election to the next Executive. Any member in Good Standing at the time of the election campaign and of the election is permitted to run and vote for positions on the Executive, and must indicate his intention to the Nominating Committee at least one week prior to the AGM. In the event that no nominations for a position have been received, nominations for this position can be made at the AGM. Only City residents are eligible for the positions of President, Vice President, and Treasurer. The City also requires that half of Committee members be Dorval residents. Positions of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer must not be up for election the same year for continuation purposes.
6.1.3 The purpose of the AGM is:
i) to allow the Executive to report on past year’s business,
ii) to elect the next Executive, and
iii) to elect the auditor for the following year’s financial statements.
6.1.4 Only those members in Good Standing who attend the AGM may elect the Executive. If there is more than one candidate for any office, such members will vote by secret ballot.
6.1.5 The quorum for an AGM or Special Meeting is 15% of the membership at the time the meeting is called. If a quorum is not present at the Annual General Meeting, then the Annual General Meeting will be held on the following Wednesday without further notice and the number of persons in attendance at that meeting will constitute a quorum.

6.2 Special Meeting

Any member may in writing, with the signature of ten (10) members, require that the Executive meet with the member(s) to discuss a particular issue(s). The Executive must meet with the member(s) within two (2) weeks of receiving the request.


7.1 Any member of the Club may propose an amendment provided that it is in writing and submitted at least two weeks prior to the AGM or the Special Meeting.

7.2 Proposals received by the Executive must be put forth at the AGM or the Special Meeting and must be approved by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of those present.


8.1 The fiscal year is from June 1 to May 31.

8.2 All books must be reviewed by a non Executive officer appointed at the AGM (not necessarily an accountant).

In the event of dissolution, the Executive shall cause all assets and liabilities of the Club to revert to the City. The City, where possible, will use the assets to further the development of social dance in the City.


10.1 The membership list is not to be sold, distributed or publicly posted at any time.

10.2 No Executive member is to benefit from any financial or other advantage due to his position on the Executive. This paragraph does not apply to the practice of rewarding the Executive with free dance admission and drinks.